Monday, 17 March 2014

Bike Baron-The Day I Jumped the Ramp

The Day I Jumped The Ramp!

My hand was gripped tightly on the handle, my friend screamed loudly “GET OFF THE RAMP!”  It was too late...

My wheel had slipped off the ramp. I could smell the popcorn from the crowd, and then the next thing I knew, I was flat, completely flat. I saw my friend call the ambulance. I saw my cat next to me badly hurt. I could never walk or ride a motorbike again. But, that was the last devastating thought I had in my whole lifetime!

By Emma


  1. Hey Emma, your Bike Baron story is awesome. I love how you used the capital letters to show that people were yelling. I also love how you created suspense with the three dots and the pause. Well done.

    1. Hello Sarah thank you for that lovely comment and I was trying to get suspense. Thank you

  2. Dear Emma,
    You did an awesome job on your Bike Baron story. How badly hurt was your cat? Were you devastated to find out you would never walk again? Good ideas!

    1. Hi Nikki,
      Thank you for that nice comment. My cat was hurt really bad and I wasn't too devastated that I couldn't walk because I had my family.
