Wednesday, 26 March 2014

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper!


Yes I would like to be a Night Zookeeper because the animals and I would have to take down and save the world from the evil and mean monsters of Nilth. The animals who would help me defeat them are grenade snakes, motorbike riding chimps, rampaging gorillas, laser eyed sloths and sword fighting meerkats. All the magical animals can talk to me and will take over the whole of Nilth and all the beasts as well. The killer ants are essential to win. It would be an honour to have this job and that's why I want to be the Night Zookeeper.

By Jack


  1. Hi Jack - you certainly mean business! You sound very determined to win the battle against Nilth using the animals in the Night Zoo. The animals you have described all sound pretty terrifying to me so I would hope that you could manage to keep them all under control in your quest to save the world from the evil monsters of Nilth.
    I'd like to hear what happens if you do get the job!

  2. Hi there, Jack,

    I like how you ended this piece - showing a sense of honour - I'm sure that quality is required.

    The way that you have included lots of information about the animals that you would care for and what you would be required to do. The night zookeeper is clearly not a job for the faint hearted.

    You have even thought about the strategies you might use!

    Well done, keep up the good work :)

    Mrs Radd (Team 100WC) Northamptonshire, England.

  3. I like the sound of all your animalls and I think you guys are in it to win it and you have a great chance of winning, that is if you get the job, good luck!
