Monday, 31 March 2014

100 Word Challenge- Rohan. Week #29 Prompt

100 Word Challenge  

Sunday Morning, April the 3rd started of as a regular day. Shower, breakfast and then to work. But today I was told that there was a press conference in Bristol, BS2 2D! Great George St. I was extremely excited! I ran to the coffee shop across the road then quickly sprinted to the bus depot to buy my tickets and get on the bus. I had to be on the bus at 0900 hours to take Bus 37. I had ten minutes until the bus arrived... so in the meantime I went to the toilet.

But I thought I had enough time…

Oh No! I’ve missed the bus!

By Rohan

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

I would like to be the Night Zookeeper because then I could be a hero. I would save the magical and talented animals from the evil monsters from the land of Nilth. I will fight until I die, stay up all night and practice fighting until the smelly, gross, terrible and scary monsters come to our beautiful land Earth. I will be the woman who saved the one of a kind zoo that has been holding the most beautiful animals. This is why I would like to be the Night Zookeeper for 2014 and for the rest of my life.


By Hannah.

100 Word Challenge- The Night Zookeeper

The Night Zoo

We were walking dawn the Brad Street from the restaurant when we walked past the Night Zoo with a zookeeper out the front. He started to talk to us. We didn’t know what he was saying because he was talking in French. I said, “We are not French.” Then he said,  “I was asking if you want to be a Night Zookeeper to fight all the evil monsters from Nilth. You will gets lots of weapons such as an ak47, 30.O6, mpg, rifle, 44 magnum, bow arrow and mini gun.” I jumped at this opportunity and said, "Yes!!!"

By Daniel.

100 Word Challenge-Night Zookeeper

100 Word Challenge-Night Zookeeper
I would like to be a Night Zookeeper because then I can save all of the magical animals from the fat, ugly, hairy, tall night monsters from the Land of Nilth. I can ride the unicorn to fight all the monsters away from the magical Night Zoo with all the awesome magical animals. I will save the animals from Larry, Barry and Garry’s entire scary family!  I would like to take care of all the awesome magical animals for my whole life until I die. Then my children would become the Night Zookeepers after me and don’t forget my grandchildren!
By Ruby

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

100 Word Challenge

It would be my honour to become a Night Zookeeper, I would fight the monsters of Nilth. I would travel the Ice Jungles, Floating Mountains, Rainy Deserts and the Crying Waters... just to protect the magical animals like the Spying Giraffes, Time Traveling Elephants, Rusty Rabbits and all the other magical creatures.
I am made for this planet! I am made for these animals! I am made to be the Night Zookeeper!
So choose me as your Night Zookeeper and I will look after the magical animals and defeat all the monsters of Nilth, just to become the Night Zookeeper!


100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

I would like to be the Night Zookeeper because I will protect all the animals from the land of Nilth monsters.  Helping me are spying giraffes, sniperous snakes, RPG (rocket launcher) meerkats, Humphrey the Dinosaur and Gipsy the Puma who I ride on.
Together, we can defeat the monsters of Nilth, and make the Zoo safe.

The team and I were running through the foggy jungle near the border of Nilth and the Zipsen border. We were at the border when one of the meerkats stopped and stood up straight, looking at something, then he fired a rocket at a monster blowing it up into flames!

By Oscar

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

I would like to apply for a job at the Night Zoo to get my own magical C4 panda and hypnotic, psychic penguins and a nukecorn (nuclear unicorn) to travel and destroy the world, blow up the inner core of the Land of Nilth and kill every, single, living monster, just to save the Night Zoo from these evil monsters. I will destroy their leader then rain peace over the world to save all the precious animals. These lands can then be safe again and peace will be restored. That’s why I would love to be the International Night Zookeeper.
By Rohan

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

The Night Zookeeper
I’d like to be a Night Zookeeper because I would have lots of adventures with time traveling elephants, the flying hippos and the parallel universe monkeys. However, there’s one condition... The Night Zoo. Lately the zoo has been having constant attacks from monsters from another land called Nilth. They travelled here with the parallel universe monkeys. They are armed with laser guns and shard shooters. So... it’s been hard to make up my mind about whether to go or not. In the end I decided to go and I’m definitely not regretting it at all.
By Ben.   

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

I would like to be a Night Zoo Keeper so I could slay the beasts from Nilth with my diamond handled sword that's sharp enough to cut a piece of steel, clean in half! I would also use my Machine Gun Lemurs and my Shot Gun Gorillas.We would work as a team to take down the ugly beasts from Nilth.
I would love to destroy the whole of Nilth, along with all the beasts! My favourite animal is the Strong Saber Tooth Tiger would lead us into battle. That's why I would like to be a Night Zoo Keeper!

By Joshua

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper

 I want to be a Night Zoo Keeper so I can kill all the monsters from Nilth and save all the magical animals because animals are cool, and without all the animals we would probably be dead. So I would fight all the monsters with my amazing c4 rhinos, and my machine gun monkey and my Pegasus and unicorns, would use magical lazer eyes and Pegasus would use her bladed  wings to chop the monsters in half. My main magic animal is my Easter Bunny that drops eggs which explode and that's why I want to be a Night Zoo Keeper.

By Nathan.

100 Word Challenge- Night Zookeeper!


Yes I would like to be a Night Zookeeper because the animals and I would have to take down and save the world from the evil and mean monsters of Nilth. The animals who would help me defeat them are grenade snakes, motorbike riding chimps, rampaging gorillas, laser eyed sloths and sword fighting meerkats. All the magical animals can talk to me and will take over the whole of Nilth and all the beasts as well. The killer ants are essential to win. It would be an honour to have this job and that's why I want to be the Night Zookeeper.

By Jack

100 Word Challenge the Night Zoo Keeper

100 word challenge

I’d like to be the Night Zookeeper so I’d be able to ride a unicorn and throw a giant snake at the Nilth monsters. I would go back in time with the time traveling elephant and stop the Nilth monsters from coming back and destroying the Night Zoo. I would keep care of all the flying hippos, dancing rhinoceroses, circus butterflies, lightning fast foxes, the magical worms, V8 birds, the tackling ants, the drawing frogs, the walking sharks, swimming cats and the meerkats in the trees. I will never let the Nilth monsters take over this very special word!

100 Word Challenge- Night Zoo Keeper

I would like to be a Night Zoo Keeper because I would like to look after these magical animals and adventure this mysterious land of the magical animals. I think this will be a fabulous journey for anyone being a zoo keeper, especially as you get to see all these wonderful and magical animals. But the only reason I wouldn't like to do this is because I wouldn't see any of my friends and family and celebrate any of their birthdays and get any lollies or cake and especially my birthdays, Christmas and Easter would be lonely. 

                                                    THE END
                                                   BY LUKE!!!

The Night Zoo Keeper!


I would love to be a Night Zookeeper! I love animals, especially magic animals! My Dad owned one once, a running turtle. I hate Nilth, No colour, no imagination… it’s like grey town but worse! As a kid I wanted to defeat evil and here is my chance. I used to pretend there were monsters from Nilth in my bedroom and I would always defeat them with just a swing. I love this world I don’t want anything destroyed, it has colour and … LIFE!

Being a Night Zookeeper would be my life and no one can stop me! (Please!)

By Emma

Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Bike Baron- The Day I Jumped The Ramp!


My tyres were rolling slowing, I revved the throttle and my bike started to go faster and faster. When I was half way up the ramp I felt a tingle go up my spine. I tried to back down but I couldn’t. When I was in the air my bike started doing a backflip. I was terrified!  The crowed was shouting with pleasure with what I had achieved. When I hit the ground I had an explosive stack.

I woke up in hospital a few days later with nurses all around me. I tried to move but I couldn’t. The nurses then decided to tell me that I would be paralysed for the rest of my life. The backflip was still worth it.


Bike Baron- The Day I Jumped The Ramp

I was 45 metres off the ground, the crowd was shouting to me "JUMP, JUMP, JUMP." My heart was pounding as fast as a Formula One racing car. I really wish I had never signed up for this. I will regret this for the rest of my life... that's if I live the rest of my life. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes praying for help.
I pulled the clutch and 13 seconds later I was in the air. I felt really weak,I felt faint, and unfortunately I did faint in mid-air.
After that happened I woke up in hospital. The nurse came in with my wife and newborn daughter and the nurses exact words words were, "Jason I'm sorry but after the crash you had, you may be paraplegic. We're not 100% sure about you being paraplegic just yet."
One month later I was out of hospital and thankfully I wasn't paraplegic, but I did have lots of broken bones.
By Luke.

Bike Baron- The Day I Jumped The Ramp

The Day I Jumped The Ramp!

I revved the bike, the crowd roared as I hit the jump. I felt a wobble and before I knew it, my tyre came off!
The crowd went silent as I hit the ground. Every one stood up to see. Paramedics were surrounding me as I stood up and the crowd sounded like an explosion... They were all screaming!
I thought about trying again but my bike was smashed to pieces. I turned and saw my cat who was lying on the ground behind me not moving. I felt a shiver up my spine as I wondered if he was dead or alive. I went over and luckily he was fine. I picked him up and held him in to the air and the crowd cheering, clapped me off the stadium.

By Nathan

Bike Baron-The Day I Jumped The Ramp

The day I jumped the ramp was a majestic day ...
Slowly, I came to a halt with the smell of engine oil in the air . I shook with fear thinking of what could happen. I was about to face a 25 foot jump. Breaking the world record was my destiny with Tigah (my cat) by my side...
I was ready I thought to myself. I soared through the air seeing Tigah falling head first towards the ground... Actually he just fell off the bike. Gosh it was terrifying!!
Sadly, I never achieved that world record.
By Rohan.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Bike Baron - The Day I Jumped The Ramp.

I was on my dad’s old Triumph bike ready to start, looking down the ramp of death. I smell the Amble Inn from next door. I also smell Tiger (my cat) breaking wind behind me, “Come on mate, press go."
The throttle revved. I took off with speed, 1000km down the ramp with explosives down below. My wheels are about to fall off and Tiger is clenching on stabbing my back with his claws. My goggles are all fogged up and I cannot see, I start to slow down, I feel ice beneath me, I hear a crack and that’s the end of my exiting adrenaline rushing life with Tiger.
                           By Oscar

Bike Baron! The Day I Jumped The Ramp!

The Day I Jumped The Ramp.

"I can do this" I yelled as the engine roared. I was about to jump the ice breaking loop the loop. My heart was racing and so was my bike. The crowd roared "Do it! Do it!" I counted down from 10. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go!
I thought I made it. The ice broke too early. All I could hear was the sound of the crowd screaming. All I could remember was the crowd screaming.
My body is now covered in smelly plaster that smells like muddy water because I fell into a muddy, smelly puddle this morning.

By Hannah.

Bike Baron- The Day I Jumped The Ramp

As I was slowly rolling through the gates, constantly revving the engine, I could hear and see the crowd roaring for me "Do it! Do it!"
I got on my bike and stared down the runway. I grabbed the handle bars as tight as I could and kicked it into gear, I was flying down the runway, I hit the bottom of the ramp and angled up, then before I knew it I was in mid-air. Those were the longest 30 seconds of my life.
I could see the start of the down ramp... I hit it and when I thought it was all over I hit something and went flying through the air!
I woke up in hospital and the first thing I was told was my cat was dead.

By Ben.

Bike Baron-The Day I Jumped the Ramp

The Day I Jumped The Ramp!

My hand was gripped tightly on the handle, my friend screamed loudly “GET OFF THE RAMP!”  It was too late...

My wheel had slipped off the ramp. I could smell the popcorn from the crowd, and then the next thing I knew, I was flat, completely flat. I saw my friend call the ambulance. I saw my cat next to me badly hurt. I could never walk or ride a motorbike again. But, that was the last devastating thought I had in my whole lifetime!

By Emma

Bike Baron- The Day I Jumped The Ramp.

The Day I Jumped The Ramp.

Hello I'm Ruby, and I'm a famous motorbike rider.
I'm going to tell you about when I broke the world record for motorbike jumps!

My heart was beating as fast as it could, the crowd didn't think I could make it, I was about to cry when my cat started cheering along with the crowd. The jump was huge. Biggest jump in the entire world. Would I get the world record title?
I started my bike then I went for the jump, I don't know what happened after that. I think I blacked out, but all I can remember is the crowd cheering and I woke up in hospital with my cat next to me. Both of us have to be in wheel chairs for the rest of our lives.
It was definitely worth it, as I am now the world record holder!

By Ruby.

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Bike Baron- The Day I Jumped the Ramp

The Day I Jumped the Ramp!

My heart was pounding, blood was pumping and the crowd was screaming louder than you could ever imagine. When accelerating I could smell the smell of glorious achievement. There, there I was getting closer and closer to my victory. Yes, yes, yes I had done it!

 I had cleared the one and only double back flip.

Getting first prize and seeing all the other opponents injured and crippled made me proud and especially getting the world record made my day.

    By Maggie.

Bike Baron App- The Day I Jumped the Ramp. (Recount)

The Day I Jumped the Ramp.

The bike roared and my heart thumped. Ice broke underneath my wheel and Fred screeched his last screech and fell to his death. I cried because my fat cat died. I wasn’t looking where I was going. A moose and sheep flew at me but I didn’t have time  to swerve. I had to ride the moose. It kept on running and I ended up in a track full of TNT. I steered the moose around the track somehow. It was the best day ever!

By Maclaren.