Thursday, 12 June 2014

100 Word Challenge. Prompt # 36. Luke

"Hahahaha, that was good!" I said.
"Mate, you're not really meant to know that."
"Alright we better get going and put these kids in bed, ready for Santa. See ya later, bye."

While Mum and Jacob went out to say goodbye to everyone, I went and got ready for bed and went to sleep. The next day came and I woke to the sounds of screaming. "Mum! Dad!" I ran out to the lounge room and saw Melody holding Easter eggs. She looked up to me and said "It's supposed to be Christmas! Santa Claus!  Not Easter... Not at all!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed this post, Luke, which was lively and fun, but I wasn't quite sure how the opening dialogue connected to the final paragraph.
