Monday, 23 June 2014

100 Word Challenge. Prompt#38. Maggie

I was at my friend’s house playing on the laptop when I saw a spark. I wasn’t worried, but my friend Ruby said, that if the weather gets to 50 degrees Celsius like it is outside the laptop will blow. As Ruby was saying that, the laptop started to get very hot. Then I said, but it was far too hot to play on the laptop. All of a sudden, Ruby yelled out, “Get out of the house or else you will die.” I had to watch the explosion from inside the house.

Ruby warned me but I didn’t listen, I died, never to live again.

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #38. Ruby

We were at a beach for the weekend but it was far too hot. I really wanted to go home. We stayed at a hotel so close to the beach that I nearly fainted every day. I hated it so much I nearly let the sharks eat me. When I went to bed mum and dad ran across the road and went swimming in the sea. When I woke up they weren't there. I went out to the beach  to see if they were there but they weren't "NOOO!" I screamed. mum and dad weren't there. I went back to the hotel and found them there.    

Sunday, 22 June 2014

100 Word Challenge #37

Even now, ten years later, it was still piercing his skin. Sometimes his scar would reopen and send chills down his spine. He would get bad memories back into his scalp, and would never be able to get them out. It would reopen, but it was far too hot for it to happen. As he slept outdoors, he started to dream about how he got his scar and why.

 The palm trees threw themselves side to side. Wind lashed at his face and the old black man stared at him with his dark coat on. The piercing pain seared at his chest and he fell helplessly.

By Maclaren

Rohan 100WC #38

“Bu, but Daaad,” “no”

“I want to go to Hawaii to go to Kilauea (a volcano on Big Island)”. “But don’t you want to go see your cousins and uncle Fernando, and anyway last time Mum and I went, mum came back with severe  sunburn, but it was far too hot in the first place. NOW WE’RE NOT GOING.” Dads face went purple and off came his toupee . You could feel the heat come from his face .

I told him to take deep breaths,  but he ignored me. Then dad fainted, smashing his face against the coffee table, starting to get nosebleed. I  

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

100WC PROMT #37 Emma

It was the game against Australia and Brazil. It was 3 Brazil and 2 Australia. At the end of the game it was 9 Brazil and Australia had 9 goals. In the changing rooms, the teams had a fight, saying who would have won if it wasn’t for the referee. This fight became world-wide; this debate came in to politics. The judge said “But that’s what happens in Brazil when it’s a draw. This was the time for the decider, Australia against Brazil. The game went on forever. When one team got a free kick, then the Australian team shouted “GOAL!” and ran around like insane people.

100 Word Challenge Promt #37 Rohan

But that’s what happens in Brazil when

 Crime sprawls at the World Cup, and if you’re wondering who I am … I’m James Taylor  dectective of the C.I.A (Chicago Investigation Association).There’s been a murder at the Brazilian  Conjo Theatre I arrive at the scene of the murder. I walk into the old Brazilian Cojo auditorium. I was looking for traces of clues .Boy, was this a tough case to crack, this murder must have been planned. The murder victim he was after was Endroue Renoure.The criminal must have a very close relationship with the Renoure’s ,or he had someone on the inside,  well whatever …   

Sunday, 15 June 2014


"Come on Charlie, we might be late for our flight to Brazil! " screamed James.
"Ok, settle down mate" said Charley.

When they got to the airport, they were so excited and went over to the gate where they were going to board the plane. They both looked around the airport to see a lot of Australians wearing Socceroo t-shirts. When they boarded the plane it was so crowded and it was very hard to move around to try and find their seats.
Charlie said to James "We might get split up from each other at the oval, but that's what happens in Brazil when it's so crowded!"



 I jump up with the crowd! The Socceroos has scored their first goal for today against Chile!

Suddenly, I see a figure in the distance running onto the field.
Then I see it's a tanned man wearing undies! Six security guards on donkeys charge onto the ground and start chasing him. But that's what happens in Brazil when people do bad things I say to myself. Then one of the officers grabs his taser and stuns the man in the back. A police man drives in, cuffs him and puts him in his car and drives out. The referee blows his whistle and the game can now resume.

Thursday, 12 June 2014

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #36 Daniel

One cold Easter morning, I waked up and found an Easter egg on the kitchen floor. There was three little men inspecting the egg and were wondering what happened to the egg.
Luckily the egg hadn’t broken yet. So I stepped on it to break it. I wanted to watch the little men inspect it all day so I sat on the floor eating an Easter egg watching them.

I thought that I should melt the chocolate egg back together into a whole egg once again. So I did. I showed the men and they were so happy!

100 word Challenge. Prompt # 36 Archie

I woke up one Eater morning and found a smashed egg on the floor. But how did it end up on the floor? I decided to start an investigation so I called my friends Jerry, Luke and Richard.

They turned up not long after my call and they started to investigate the crime scene. They were shocked at what had happened and decided that a man had pushed the egg off the bench.

Now why would someone do such a thing? Why waste a perfectly good Easter Egg?

They either really hated chocolate… or it was just an accident!

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #36. Josh

Jack and Jill ran up the hill to fetch a pail of water when Jack fell down the hill. Jill followed. When they got to the bottom, Jack stumbled on a huge cream egg. When they looked around they saw hundreds of eggs. So they ran home and called the Police. When they went back there, there were heaps of construction workers lifting eggs onto trucks with cranes.  There were Police cars every where and at the end of the paddock there was a cracked creme egg and it had cream oozing out. The egg had flies all over it!

100 Word Challenge. Prompt # 36. Luke

"Hahahaha, that was good!" I said.
"Mate, you're not really meant to know that."
"Alright we better get going and put these kids in bed, ready for Santa. See ya later, bye."

While Mum and Jacob went out to say goodbye to everyone, I went and got ready for bed and went to sleep. The next day came and I woke to the sounds of screaming. "Mum! Dad!" I ran out to the lounge room and saw Melody holding Easter eggs. She looked up to me and said "It's supposed to be Christmas! Santa Claus!  Not Easter... Not at all!

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #36. Oscar

I hop in my Big Mac truck and onto the road. It's an 687km drive to Murray Bridge to pick up the 60 feet chocolate creme egg in Melbourne, where it's waiting.

When I get there the huge chocolate egg was ready for me to pick up.

 As I come out of town I see a huge tree down on the road, I check my speed I'm going 130km. I put the brakes on, but it's not working. The front of the truck smashes and the egg goes flying. I wake up. Workers and police are surrounding the giant egg.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014


It was just a regular day until...

Sam woke up with a huge grin on his face because there was no school today. He looked out of his window to see all of the other kids that went to the other school on the other side of the town. Sam ran down to the kitchen to see his Mum and Dad cooking bacon and eggs for him. While he was eating it he saw a bowl of chocolates at the end of the table, he grabbed one and ate it. All this white and golden gooey thick stuff came out.

100 word challenge prompt #36 Nathan

It was Easter Sunday. Charlie woke up with a great big smile on his face. He went out to the lounge room and saw a massive egg. He took a bite and golden and white syrup came out of the egg, it was the best day of his life.He went and told all his friends and they where so happy for him. They said "I didn't get any eggs".So Charlie took all his friends to his house and they all shared the giant egg together. After that day they were best friends for the rest of there lives.  

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

100WC PROMPT#36 Emma

Santa and Rudolph were celebrating in the sleigh while flying, eating Easter eggs. Rudolph dropped his egg and the gooey custard came flowing out. There was a man right in front of where the Easter egg was dropped. He called 911. The lady on the other end of the phone asked “Who can help you?”

“Anyone who moves giant Easter eggs!” shouted the man into the phone. In 5 minutes both Police and Fire Fighters were there. The Fire Fighters pulled out a lot of strange and fancy equipment and tried to lift it. Suddenly, Santa lifted the egg back up to him. Everyone was shocked!

By Hannah 100wc #36

On Easter the Queen was celebrating and she wanted a huge Easter egg that was filled with custard. She made her personal chefs to make it in for her. They left it outside for the two nights and when they came back it had a large hole in it and custard was flowing out. The Queen did not know who or what had done this. Suddenly, photographers came out of the bushes and started to take photos. It was a massive hit all over the world. This was the Queens best Easter since 1926 which was when she was born

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #36. Ben

On a normal day for three constructions workers, they had a very odd job.  They were building an oversized chocolate egg for an oversized chicken who was laying an egg. The crane that was lifting the egg onto the landmark gave way and the egg came crashing down. What a mess! Luckily no one was hurt and the construction team shut down the site while the crane was getting fixed. The egg was getting cleaned up and removed and a new one shipped in so that work could be continued. The new egg arrived promptly and construction was underway again.

By Ben

Rohan 100WC #36 by Rohan

I really shouldn’t have eaten that Billi Bongos Chocolate Snack.  It’s really thrown my stomach for a ride and boy it really isn’t liking it. I stumble back home passing the petrol station. I get home and turn on the telly. I flicked on the news and the reporter was saying that a giant crème egg had fallen out of the sky onto the local train station. They said it was serious and 14 people were killed and 12 people injured. They’re now trying to move the egg so the trains can run on the original time table and transport innocent civilians.



As soon as the giant bird left, the survivors knew they were in trouble. The huge nest started to shake and they thought one of the birds were about to hatch. Staring down at them was the ugliest monster they had ever seen. It had red beady eyes like mail slots. It was white and a little bit brown. The bird’s egg was all brown and some egg was stuck to the thing in the middle. Straight away they thought it was a giant Hamster. Then they remembered about their job and why they were there… To clean up the drool!

Maclaren Egan

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #36. Maggie

"What was that?" I asked Mum.
"I have no idea darling, would you like to go and see?" Said Mum.
I went out the door to investigate the noise. As I peered around the garden I saw an egg. It wasn't any ordinary egg. It was a chocolate egg! Where did the egg come from? Will there be an invasion? I don't know!
Professional detectives are everywhere. I think they will be here for months trying to figure out what caused the egg to fall. 
Will we ever be safe again? I guess we will just need to wait! 

Monday, 9 June 2014

100 Word Challange Prompt #36 Ruby

“BANG!” What was that? I looked out of the window and a meteorite had crashed into the pool. It was brown and it looked like an Easter Egg. It cracked open. There was a bunny in it. I was so tempted to eat it all up. It looked like chocolate! I ate the ears first. I could feel the nerves of the rabbit flowing through my body.

I feel really bad. I ran into my room and slammed the door. I started balling my eyes out and I couldn’t stop. I tried to forget what I did… but I couldn’t.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

100 World challenge Prompt #35 Oscar

100 WC Prompt #35 Oscar

My friend Jason and I were lying down with our FD-200 snipers, 400 yards away from a Taliban base with camouflage sheets over us. Troops, sniffer dogs and Jeeps are waiting, tucked away in the bushes.

With a UHF call from Lieutenant Johnson, I fire at a security tower. Sirens go crazy and the Taliban run out with AK-47s.  After a few seconds, troops and Jeeps barge through the gateway, eliminating the cold, black hearted people. As I’m looking through my scope, I see a guy with an RPG aiming at us. Jason and I stand up and start running.
I ’m glad we ran. 
By Oscar

Monday, 2 June 2014

100 Word Challenge. Prompt #35 Rohan

It was Saturday the 30th September, 1994, when Mr.Black and I were running down Chuckle Alley; the most feared place in town. We arrived at the gateway and we met another friend of ours. We turned to the left and saw another friend sprinting down the alleyway. When the gang was finally assembled we went into the Shrieking Shack.
We entered the Shrieking Shack. It was a damp, cold and gloomy place. It was filed with precious antiques, encrusted in precious gems. I’d heard rumours about the Shrieking Shack and that it was haunted. Apparently the souls of the past owners of the house are still here…

100 Word Challenge Prompt #35 Daniel

On a black and stormy night, down a long street, was a forbidden house. In front of the house was a rusty gateway to the drive way.
It was very cold outside and I was walking home from school I past my friend who looking at the house. I said, "what are you doing?" He said "I am just waiting for someone to just come out of that house."
Just then I heard a noise. I squealed, "what was that?"
He asked,  "what was what?" I heard it again. He said "Oh, that's a horrible noise! Quick! Let's run away!" We ran like we had never been running before!

100 Word Challenge

#35 Maclaren.

As the sun went down it started to get cold and the broken window still had the blinds pulled down which made the room pitch black. The floors creaked and on the shelf was something that really freaked me out.  It was an old carving that was thin, straight and had a mask on. Then suddenly a voice said, “come with me and we can make a friend.” Without a second thought, I ran away. The light outside blinded me until I could get used to it. I kept on running to the gateway and I felt light headed from the terrifying experience. I vomited.


 My FRIEND Charlie and I were going to our under 12's cricket game over in Alexandra. When we got there, I got straight out of the car to get my bag. When I got it, Charlie called me over to the rooms and he said to me, "where's the switch because it sure is dark, COLD and BLACK in here!" I felt around the walls until I found the switch and I turned the light on. When the game started our team was fielding first. The first ball was bowled and I started RUNNING after it.

 When the game finished we drove out of the GATWAY to go home.

100 Word Challenge Prompt #35 Nathan

I was running down the driveway on my way to the local footy. As I reached the gateway, a cold and bitter gust of wind hit my face. My friend Ben and I, were going to meet in the main street. Just before the main street a dark and black figure was slowly approaching me. When I saw Ben, we started to run down a dark passageway.
 He was getting closer and closer. I whispered to Ben, "what should we do?"
 Ben was speechless and said, "I don't know." All we could do was go down the tunnel and hope that he would not find us.

100WC PROMT #35 Emma


As I jumped into the car, I put my black boots on dad’s seat. “Dad, why are we moving?” asked Delilah. “I can stay with my friend…” she added.

“Ok, live with your friend until you are 22 and then you can move out or stay with us for the rest of your life in a beautiful house.” Dad said with a cheeky smile.

“Fine” she said leaning back into her seat.


Mum turned on the air conditioner and the cold breeze brushed against my face. “Are we nearly there yet” I asked running my fingers through my hair. “Yes, we just reached the gateway…”