Thursday, 3 April 2014


Jake and Tom were boarding the Boeing B-52H for a 3 hour flight to drop 35 bunker buster bombs on a suspected Taliban base at Pakistan. Jake is the Navigator and Tom is the Weapon System Officer. 
At 12:30pm the Taliban aren’t on watch - they start again at 1:00pm. Suddenly, Jake looked at his watch. It was 1:13pm “but I thought I had enough time” exclaimed Jake franticly.
Nigel, one of the crew said “I could load some  torpedoes” Tom agreed so Nigel loads, then fired.  It’s a hit!
They have to get out now because the Taliban know they’re there.

By Oscar

1 comment:

  1. Hi Oscar,
    WOW!!! a 3 hour flight, that is a long time.
    Regards fletcher .A
