Tuesday, 1 April 2014

100 Word Challenge. Ben

                                     The Boy Who Was Late For Everything

Once upon a time there was a boy called Barry Moe Hamened, and he was late for everything.
On Christmas he missed breakfast, lunch and tea. One day, Barry and his parents were watching
the news and they were interviewing an astronomer and he said a huge asteroid was heading for
earth and everyone had to evacuate to the moon and the last rocket left tomorrow morning!
In the morning a taxi arived at Barry's house to pick them up. "But I thought I had enough time" exclaimed Barry.
Do you know what?
Barry missed the rocket.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ben, I love your 100 word challenge piece this week. You build up Barry's character description so well that we just know what is going to happen before you write it! Great use of long sentences and then short sentences - especially the last one where you deliver the punch line. Well done.
