Monday, 26 May 2014

100 Word Challenge Prompt #34. Maggie

100 Word Challenge Prompt  #34. Maggie

I was tired and angry and I needed to go somewhere peaceful and quiet.

But where could I go? Should I go to Italy? Greece? Bahamas? Paris? I think I would like going to the Bahamas.

Three days later I was in the beautiful Bahamas, drinking lemonade and swimming in the ocean. But then, a whale jumped out of the water and onto my body! I nearly suffocated under the whale. I thought to myself that if I had of stayed home it would if been a lot safer with no whales!

One day later I was home. At home. Sweet home. Away from the terrifying Bahamas.


  1. Maggie, your story has a good "home sweet home" message. In this case, home was much more peaceful than the whale incident! I enjoyed reading your writing.

    Mrs. Peterson (Team 100wc)
    TX, USA

    1. Thanks Diane for your comment because you took up your time to write it, it means a lot.


  2. Thanks for reading my amazing story can't wait to see yours. by by
